Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hi! It's been a while.

Chase: So... how's those projects coming?

Ok so I'm sorry... the Ape Escape thing kinda isn't going because I can never meet up with the actress who wants to do the voice I need...

My iClone movie... never got around to it.

Other projects... still on the shelf.

Bomberman model... I'm not at home so I can't really fix it, but I'm working on getting a new one made or something like it.

Chase: Oh I get it.

Right, so I just got distracted by school and things so it's actually not t-


Chase: And school?

... ...

Chase: well?

... uh... yeah... that easy computer class... I got a D.... because I got distracted....

Chase: ... wow...

It was SO SIMPLE... and I got lazy. Oh, but sound design class was great. My final audio project was voted the best in the class!

Chase: NICE, so what'd you get for a grade?

... ...

So this summer, I got to go back to DC to-
Chase: whoa whoa whoa... the recording sound class grade?

oh... yeah... that.

Chase: Well?

... f... so anyhow this summer I-
Chase: I"m sorry, what was that?

... f

Chase: Sorry, one more time, I couldn't hear you.

... AN F!!! I GOT AN F IN THE CLAASS I MOST WANTED TO TAKE!!!... 'cause I didn't do good paper work.

Chase: Wow, this isn't good... I'm starting to see a pattern.

Yeah... I know. I'll do better next time.... anyhow, I'm back in Virginia working for DHS... what do I do.... don't worry about it... and now I don't deal with anything on the coast or in AZ or anything like that. But it is cool, I'm with my friend Mitch and we share a dorm room at a place called George Masen Univercity. It's a pretty nice place actually.

Also we found some of the new AAPD interns and even some from last year... oh I was in DC last year with a program called AAPD (American Association for People with Disabilities) and I was an intern. So now I'm back... but not with AAPD.

Chase: So what are you doing now?

Now?... writing this. Why?

Chase: ... aren't you suppose to be at work?

I am at work... ... oooh... well I'm just taking a little break.

Chase: But you just came back from lunch a bit ago.

You konw, you're starting to et really annoying.... anyhow, yeah.

For projects, I'm working on something with a friend of mine's... I'm not going to say what it is because if I do then waffles will fall... what does that mean? Don't worry about it.

I'll reveal a bit more later.

I'm also thinking of getting Lightwave 3D... hopefully for a really good deal.

Also, I wish I could make music for games and stuff or at least be known or recignized for it... *sigh* Oh well, maybe oneday... ok.. enough with art... tiem to write more RSS feeds. :\

Chase: well... that was depressing.'

...Be quiet.

Bye for now.